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What Is A Community Service Worker?

A community service worker works within the community to offer guidance and access to much-needed community services, supporting vulnerable and isolated people. The role of a community service worker is a fulfilling career path that gives you the opportunity to give back to the community.

Community service workers work across communities and in varying positions, dedicating their time to helping others. If you’re interested in becoming a community service worker and are wondering more about the role, then keep reading to learn more information.

Reasons To Become A Community Service Worker

There are plenty of reasons that so many people choose to become community service workers, including:

  • It is a growing industry in Ontario, meaning that there are plenty of job opportunities
  • It has lots of government funding
  • It is a rewarding career path
  • There are many different options for career paths within the industry, including addiction support, children’s mental health, and working with Indigenous communities
  • You can genuinely make a difference in the lives of others

The Tasks And Duties Of A Community Service Worker

Your role as a community service worker will vary depending on your position and the agency or charity you work for. Below, we’ve listed some of the most common tasks and duties community service workers perform in their day-to-day roles. These include:

  • Helping vulnerable people find shelter
  • Job and vocational counselling
  • Connecting isolated people with the community
  • Working in addiction support
  • Working with youth groups
  • Crisis intervention

What Skills And Qualifications Do I Need In Order To Become A Community Service Worker?

To become a community service worker, you will need to study for a CSW diploma at an accredited institution. Many institutions in Ontario offer this qualification, including Citi College.

As a ontario career college, we’re dedicated to giving a comprehensive and hands-on learning experience that will prepare you for your career as a community service worker by the end of your time with us. For more information, check out our CSW diploma page.

Where Would You See Community Service Workers Working?

Community service workers work in a variety of positions and industries. You will find them in healthcare positions at mental health centers, addiction services, community health centers, and rehabilitation centers.

You can also find community service workers at correctional facilities, shelters, and schools. The possibilities are truly endless when you choose this career path.

What Is The Job Market For Community Service Workers Like?

The job market for community services workers in Ontario is trending upward. Recent government investment in mental health, youth, and children’s services has helped increase available job positions within the community.

In addition, the Ontario government has made additional funding available for services that help homelessness and the Indigenous communities. The Ontario government is intent on expanding existing programs too.

There are currently around 48,000 people in community service roles in Ontario.

How Much Can Community Service Workers Make?

Your salary as a community service worker will vary depending on your role, the agency you work for, and your experience level. You’re likely to earn between $16–$34 per hour. The highest salary you can get is around $34.83 per hour, while the average is $22.57 per hour.

Interested In Our Community Service Worker Program? Call Citi College Now!

Are you considering becoming a community service worker? Check out our CSW diploma to learn more about what you’ll need to do in order to become a community service worker. Citi College is a ontario career college in the GTA dedicated to producing career-ready individuals that are prepared to enter the workforce. Contact us today to find out more information!

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Citi College is an Ontario career college (Registered under the Ontario Career Colleges act 2005)


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