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What Is An Enterprise Network Engineer?

The information technology industry is booming and as such, it’s an excellent place to start your new career. IT careers are popping up everywhere and one of the most popular careers at the moment is enterprise network engineering.

Enterprise network engineers take on the role of setting up, developing, and maintaining computer networks. They usually work within one organization but may operate networks across several organizations.

If you’re thinking of a career in enterprise network engineering, we’re going to go over the basics in this post. We’ll cover what skills, education, and qualifications you’ll need, as well as look at the typical responsibilities of an enterprise network engineer and the potential salary you can make.

What Are The Skills, Education & Qualifications Needed?

Enterprise network engineering will usually require you to have some formal training in information technology. This could be a bachelor’s degree in computer science along with other certifications, like a diploma in enterprise network engineering from a ontario career college.

On top of formal education, some of the skills that would come in handy to have in this role include:

  • Network security knowledge
  • Knowledge of and experience with well-known software products, like Juniper
  • Ethernet, TCP, and IP knowledge
  • Previous experience managing LAN projects
  • Analytical skills
  • Problem-solving skills

Other soft skills, including communication and interpersonal skills, teamwork, and commitment to developing your knowledge

This is by no means an extensive list and you will find that the skills required for each role vary from company to company. Different organizations work with different software, meaning you’ll need to find a role that suits your skill set.

What Does An Enterprise Network Engineer Do?

Below, we’ve gathered some examples of responsibilities that you experience in a role such as an enterprise network engineer.

  • Managing LAN projects
  • Overseeing LAN/NT domain installation, configuration, and support
  • Managing customer projects
  • Monitoring and fixing networks
  • Serving as a source of knowledge within your organization
  • Researching, testing, and demonstrating new technologies
  • Conducting network surveillance activities
  • Providing action plans to secure infrastructures

Like the skills you’ll need, your job role will also vary depending on the type of organization you work within, who you work for, and what your job role is.

How Much Can An Enterprise Network Engineer Make?

A role as an enterprise network engineer is a lucrative career to set your sights on. Indeed, entry-level positions start at around $75,000 per year and could go all the way up to $127,000 a year. The average hourly rate for an enterprise network engineer is $46.15.

You’ll be pleased to know that enterprise network engineering roles are always in demand. As a source of knowledge on all things network-related, organizations are likely to pay you handsomely to support and maintain their networks. After all, if a network goes down, it can wreak havoc on a company’s reputation.

Looking To Become An Enterprise Network Engineer? Call Citi College!

Are you thinking of a career in enterprise network engineering? Citi College is a ontario career college in the GTA offering a range of information technology courses to help you get started in the industry. We’re committed to producing industry-ready graduates and offer a range of services and courses to make this a reality.

Our enterprise network engineering diploma will teach the technical and soft skills required for a role as a network engineer. After you graduate, we can offer you resume advice along with industry connections to get you on your desired career path. Get in touch today to find out more about our course list.

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