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How Does A Career College Differ From Other Post-Secondary Education?

A career college is a private, post-secondary institution. It can be for-profit or not-for-profit and is designed for specific career courses and outcomes. At career colleges, students can earn diplomas or certificates in practical and technical subject areas that help to enhance their career prospects.

Career colleges are sometimes referred to as a “bridge to the workforce” in Canada. They produce career-ready graduates and, in Ontario, have an average of 43,000 students enrolling each year.

If you’re looking to progress your education, you may be wondering if a career college is right for you. Below, we’ve summarized a few ways that attending a career college can differ from traditional post-secondary education.

Small Class Sizes

Unlike traditional post-secondary options, a career college will likely have much smaller classes. There will be fewer lecture halls and more hands-on learning that helps to build a community between students.

Smaller class sizes allow students to focus more and engage more with their learning, offering opinions and getting involved in discussions where they may not participate in bigger classes. The small classes also allow our instructors to monitor our students’ progress more closely and build relationships with their cohorts.

Hands On Learning

Our instructors have years of experience, which allows for a more hands-on approach to learning and expertise-led teaching. It enables you to get a picture of how things work within the industry you’re aiming to enter, and our instructor’s expertise helps students truly understand their industry.

This practical approach will also help career college graduates stand out to employers in their industry.

Flexible Learning

The flexibility of career colleges appeals to many adult learners looking to re-enter education to enhance their careers and those who struggle trying to pay for traditional colleges and universities. With varying start dates and class times, including options for night classes and virtual courses, students can work during the times they are not at school to support their studies.

Multiple Intakes Throughout The Year

Career colleges tend to offer year-round enrollment, which is helpful to those who have recently been laid off and want to enter a new career. It also allows you to begin your course whenever you’re ready, rather than when the academic year dictates you must start.

Shorter Duration

The courses offered by a career college are usually much shorter in duration than those provided by traditional post-secondary institutions. With many diplomas covering up to 24 weeks, you can enter the workforce much more quickly than you would if you were to follow the traditional route.

It also means that if you are taking your course to progress your current career, you won’t be set back by a few years by taking the time out to study for a full degree and, instead, can complete your education in less than a year.

Apply To A Leading Career College In Toronto! Apply To Citi College Today!

Citi College is proud to offer a wide variety of courses suited to many industries. Our programs can help you to begin a new career or enhance your current one in a short space of time. We offer a skills-based and hands-on approach to learning which will get you career-ready in no time!

If you’re looking for a top-rated career college in Toronto and the broader GTA, be sure to contact Citi College today!

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Citi College is an Ontario career college (Registered under the Ontario Career Colleges act 2005)


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