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3 Advantages Of Taking Evenings & Weekend Classes

Education often appears to be an option only for those with free time and unlimited resources. Here at Citi College of Canadian Careers, we disagree with this perception. Education is not limited to those who can only be flexible to full-time hours. It is for everyone. We have built ourselves around this concept by offering evening and weekend classes that make learning flexible for you.

Many people looking to get back into education have minimal options available to them as their desired courses adhere to a rigid weekday schedule. This prevents them from improving themselves and their employability as full-time education isn’t manageable. A common issue with most educators except ourselves.

With us, you have a wide choice including evening or weekend classes. Now that we have offered you flexibility, we’re also going to offer you 3 advantages to taking evening or weekend classes.

1. Keep Your Day Job

Evening and weekend classes allow you to continue with and maintain your responsibilities in life whilst still attempting to further your life. Whether your responsibilities include a job or a family, our courses allow you the ability to retain your normal life whilst in education.

Young people who obtained a diploma were 12.4% more likely to be employed than those with only a high school education. This benefits you with or without a job as it illustrates the desirability of qualifications to employers. If you already have a job, you will increase your likelihood of promotion, and if you are not employed, you increase your potential of getting a job.

2. Increased Productivity

Evening and weekend classes are not the only flexible element of learning with us. Independent study is your own to organize and plan around your schedule. This planning ahead allows you to fit more into your daily life. Our manageable class load makes class prep more flexible and allows it to slot into your life with ease. In addition, our study tips make things a lot easier for you as you multi-task through your day.

The flexibility at Citi College doesn’t lie only within the course structure but also within the financial aspect of education. There are many scholarships and grants available in addition to the reduced fees that evening and weekend classes offer in comparison to full-time study. This prevents any anxieties about tuition fees that draw focus away from studies and instead makes it easier.

3. Join A Class Of Dedicated Students

As we offer flexible learning opportunities through evening and weekend classes, the students that join us are doing so to progress their careers. They are driven by a goal to attain more in their lives through further education. As a result of this, our students are more dedicated, engaged, and behave more maturely inside and outside of class.

Adding education to a full-time life is a conscious decision that isn’t to be made lightly. This results in adult learners that pose fewer distractions to other students and helps to foster a focused atmosphere that enhances productivity.

Enjoy Flexible Learning Opportunities At Citi College!

Citi College is incredibly happy to offer diplomas with the flexibility to fit every learner including evening, weekend, weekday, and online classes. Our wide variety allows us to support every student that wishes to further themselves and we are proud to help them through this process.

Choosing an education that is right for you can be a tricky process that shouldn’t be rushed so have a look at our tips and feel free to get in touch with an admission counsellor today to learn more about Citi College.

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Citi College is an Ontario career college (Registered under the Ontario Career Colleges act 2005)


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